- 講演会名称:第17回 CMSAIコロキウム
- 開催日時:2024年10月2日(水)17時05分〜18時20分
- 講演会場:ファカルティルーム(7号館3階)※対面+Zoom配信 (要事前登録)
参加登録URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkdO6prjMsEtOYLezALotZnZ2R56oJatvw
短縮URL: https://tinyurl.com/a7aay56y - 講演者:KE Han 氏(Specially Appointed Assistant Professor ,National Institute for Basic Biology)
- 講演題目:「New Evidence for Systematicity in Infantsʼ Curiosity-Driven Learning」
要旨: Decades of research demonstrate that infants’ learning is sensitive to task features. However, what level of complexity best supports learning is unclear. Moreover, infancy studies work typically employ carefullydesigned experiments with complexity determined a priori. Whether infants systematically generate a particular level of difficulty during everyday, curiosity-driven exploration is therefore unknown. Twomey & Westermann’s (2017) model of visual curiosity-driven learning predicted that infants will generate intermediate task complexity (cf. Kidd, Piantadosi & Aslin, 2012).
The present study tests this hypothesis in a naturalistic environment. We developed a shape priming paradigm using 3D-printed stimuli and head-mounted eyetracking. Stimulus edges differed in a continuum from corners to rounded. Preliminary data show after corner primes, 18-month-olds selected exemplars of greatest complexity, while after rounded primes, the infants preferred the most similar exemplars. This is in contrast with the pattern of exploration to our previous study using the same paradigm in 2D environment, in which infants systematically directed first looks to intermediate complexity stimuli, irrespective of prime, and subsequently generated intermediate difficulty exploratory sequences.
Together, this study along with the previous 2D study offer new evidence that infants as young as 12 months actively impose structure on their learning environment.