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  • 三津原将弘, 福井宏, 坂下祐輔, 緒方貴紀, 平川翼, 山下隆義, 藤吉弘亘: Attention mapを介したDeep Neural Networkへの人の知見の組み込み. 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J104-D, No. 11, pp. 796-807, 2021, Nov.
  • Masaki, S., Hirakawa, T., Yamashita, T., Fujiyoshi, H.: Distant traffic light recognition using semantic segmentation. Transportation Research Record, Vol.2675, No.11, pp.97-103, 2021, Nov.
  • Ozawa, M.: Reforming Takeuti’s Quantum Set Theory to Satisfy de Morgan’s Laws, Advances in Mathematical Logic, T. Arai et al. (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 369, pp.143-159, 2021, Dec.
  • Miyamoto, T., Hirata, Y., Katoh, A., Miura, K., Ono, S.: The influence of stimulus and behavioral histories on predictive control of smooth pursuit eye movements. Scientific Reports, 11, 22327, 2021, Nov.
  • Hirata, Y.: Roles of cerebellum-brainstem loops in predictive optokinetic eye velocity control in fish, mice and humans. In Cerebellum as a CNS Hub. Springer, 2021, Nov.
  • Tsukada, M. and Tsukada, H.: Fractal structure in hokusai’s “great wave” and the memory neural network. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (VII), eds. A. Lintas, P. Enrico, X. Pan, R. Wang, and A. Villa (Singapore: Springer Singapore), pp.107–112, 2021, Oct.
  • Tsukada, H. and Tsukada, M.: Context-dependent learning and memory based on spatio-temporal learning rule. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (VII), eds. A. Lintas, P. Enrico, X. Pan, R. Wang, and A. Villa (Singapore: Springer Singapore), pp.89–94, 2021, Oct.
  • Shintani, SA.: Changes in the structure and function of myofibrils during pressurization using a high-pressure microscope. J-STAGE Data., 2021, Sep.
  • Yamaguchi, S., Le, P., Shintani, SA., Takadama, H., Ito, M., Ferraris, S., Spriano, S., Iodine-loaded calcium titanate for bone repair with sustainable antibacterial activity prepared by solution and heat treatment. Nanomaterials. 11(9) 2199, 2021, Aug.
  • 平田 豊: 視野安定化のための予測的眼球運動. 体育の科学, Vol.71, No.7, pp.489-495, 2021, Jul.
  • Sponar, S., Danner, A., Ozawa, M., Hasegawa, Y.: Neutron optical test of completeness of quantum root-mean-square errors. npj Quantum Information, 7:106, pp.1-6, 2021, Jun.
  • Doering, A., Eva, B., Ozawa, M.: A Bridge Between Q-Worlds. Review of Symbolic Logic, 14(2): pp. 447-486, 2021, Jun.
  • Miyamoto, T., Numasawa, K., Hirata, Y., Katoh, A., Miura, K., Ono, S.: Effects of smooth pursuit and second-order stimuli on visual motion prediction. Physiological Reports, 9:e14833, pp.1-13, 2021, May
  • Soga, J., Matsuyama, M., Miura, H., Highstein, S., Baker, R., Hirata, Y.: Cerebellar roles in frequency competitive motor learning of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Neurosicence, 462(10), pp.205-219, 2021, May
  • Le, P., Shintani, SA., Takadama, H., Ito, M., Kakutani, T., Kitagaki, H., Terauchi, S., Ueno, T., Nakano, H., Nakajima, Y., Inoue, K., Matsushita, T., Yamaguchi, S.: Bioactivation treatment with mixed acid and heat on titanium implants fabricated by selective laser melting enhances preosteoblast cell differentiation. Nanomaterials, 11(4), pp.987-987, 2021, Apr.
  • Shintani, SA.: Effects of high-pressure treatment on the structure and function of myofibrils., Biophysics and physicobiology, 18, pp.85-95, 2021, Apr.
  • Ozawa, M.: Quantum set theory: Transfer Principle and De Morgan’s Laws. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172(4): 102938, pp.1-42, 2021, Apr.